Michael F. Blume © 2004 Michael F. Blume All
Rights Reserved For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. —Ephesians 6:12
The basic tenet of
Kingdom Eschatology is the proposition that the New Covenant Gospel of
Jesus Christ and its Church Age is the greatest, and therefore the
last, major work on planet earth, and will remain so for the ages to
come. Ephesians chapters
2 and 3 explicitly state that the dispensation
of the grace of God is intended to combine Jews and Gentiles into one
body. This would therefore leave no further reasoning for
Dispensationalist’s teaching that says a specific nation of
Jews—will be given another gospel plan of salvation after the
Age" has “ended.” We stress in our burden of
conviction for prophetic
truth, the blessedness of salvation for the Jews and Gentiles, both! We
have concern for seeing all Israel come to know the love of God through
Christ. Though this is true, Kingdom Eschatologists have come under
attack by many Dispensational teachers who have used various methods to
try to discredit our teachings. In this article I will point out some
of the more severe ones that have been used in an attempt to say that
Kingdom Eschatology, and those who teach it, are racists and
The scripture I
quoted above indicates that Christians are not to war against people of
any flesh. Kingdom Eschatologists follow that rule by fighting demonic
forces and doctrines that are contrary, but we would never think to
attack a "race" of people regardless of their beliefs or their
nationality. Racism is clearly an ungodly spirit of hatred of which we
do not want a part. Furthermore, the Jewish people are not a
"race", anyway, as they, themselves, strongly proclaim. But
if they were a "race", we would certainly never wish to promote racism
of any form.
Some teachers of
Kingdom Eschatology expose the Cabala and its unholy book, the Zohar,
as a wicked work of the enemy of our souls. And critics have used that
to insist that we preach a message of racism against the Jews.
Taking a stance against Cabala,
however, is not promoting a racist "Jewish" conspiracy, as
some Dispensationalists have claimed, but, if anything, is instead a
stance against a "cabalistic" conspiracy of which the world is falling
It's a plain
fact that some stars in Hollywood are playing with Cabala. One of these
is pop singer Madonna. She is now the author of several children's
books that feature her Cabalistic religious beliefs. At the trime of
this writing there are other
big-name, big-dollar people involved in this heresy as well, including Britney Spears, Naomi
Campbell, Elizabeth Taylor, Barbra Streisand, Roseanne Barr, Demi Moore, Nicolas
Cage, Lisa Marie, and Mick Jagger and his wife Jerry Hall. These
represent just a few of those who are now pumping Cabalistic
teachings. Though this "religion" happens to carry a
“Jewish” label, it is actually Babylonian mysticism
that indoctrinated the captive Jews of Daniel's day. Orthodox Jews
despise Cabala intensely. Preaching against
Cabala does not mean that Jews by virtue of their nationality
are evil or
wicked, but rather it means that we are coming against a system of
mystical teachings that attacks the biblical foundation of truth and
thereby attacks those to whom the Word of God can set free. This means
that those who have taken verbal stand against the Cabala have taken a
stand for both Gentiles and Jews!
I know of Jewish
Christians who hate the Cabala and its teachings, showing us
that it's not a Jewish issue, but a Cabalistic one. One of these
Christians whom I personally know is a
Jewish woman who started attending a local church I once pastored after
seeing my teachings on Kingdom Eschatology. She knew, before attending,
all about the Cabala and that it was evil. Let our critics please not
confuse hating the Cabala with hating Jews because that is NOT what we
teach, nor what we stand for.
This view has
also been incorrectly labeled as teaching "REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY." This
is a
misnomer because Kingdom Eschatology does not teach that the Church
Israel, but rather that Natural Israel foreshadowed the
Church, and
the Church is the real and true "Israel" that God had in mind before
the world was created. There is no thought of "replacement" in saying
the Church is the TRUE ISRAEL of God, but only the thought of the
Natural Israel being in the similar position of other foreshadowing
elements of the Church during Old Testament times. An example of what I
mean by this is the sacrifices of the Old Testament
were foreshadows of
the true sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. So we do not teach a
“replacement,” but rather a completion of
God’s plan.
Probably the
most popular attack that has been waged against these teachings has
come in Futurists' misrepresentation of our teachings of how the New
Israel of God is the Church of Jesus Christ. Many Dispensationalists
have vaguely followed our thoughts on the New Israel of God and
misrepresented them by saying we promote racism through our
conclusions. This is just NOT TRUE! Teaching that the Church is the
True Israel is simply believing that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the
ONLY GOSPEL that will ever be given to bring salvation to man. This
belief stings the face of those who are Judaizers since it smacks at
their future return to Temples and animal sacrifices. We are
actually a group of believers who believe that the True Israel is
comprised of both born-again Jews and Gentiles, and we teach that the
Gospel of Jesus Christ will be the only way that either of these can
ever be saved. This shows that if there is any discrimination here, it
is not between our teachings and the Jewish people, but rather is
between the teachings of Dispensationalism and what the Bible says
about the Gospel of Jesus Christ! (See Galatians 1:6-9)
While Futurists
declare that Paul never said that we, as Gentiles, are part of the New
Israel, I declare that the Bible says he definitely did!
Paul wrote to
the Gentile Christians of Galatia and contrasted their heritage to that
of the Jews'. Toward the end of Galatians chapter 3, Paul used the
pronoun "WE," referring to the Jews, and said that they had a
"schoolmaster" to lead them to Christ. This Schoolmaster, Paul said,
was the Law. He went on to say that these Natural Israelites were
"lords and heirs", but stood in the position as if they were children
who were still in school awaiting their entry into this lordship. That
was God's will for them before Law ended and Christ arrived.
Graduation day came when Christ came to take them out from
beneath their Schoolmaster—the Law—and into the
lordship He prepared for all Israel to enjoy!
The narrative
continues in Galatians 4 by Paul using the pronoun, "You," referring to
the Galatian Gentiles, who were servants before Christ came,
and performed "service" to false gods. They did this while
the Jews, under the Law, were students under law's tutors and
governors, or their schoolmasters. So, for all practical purposes, as
far as lordship is concerned, the Jews were no different than the
Gentile "servants," though they were lords while they were in the
schooling of Mosaic Law.
The Galatians
were Gentile Christians, and Paul spoke of them being the children of
Abraham, because he said they came through "Promise," and were
therefore counted for "the seed." He also said that those who came
through natural fleshly lineage were not included in this, but had to
come through the same promise—Jesus! (Galatians 4:22-31) Paul
calls these believers in Jesus "brethren" and included them in the
category of the true Children of Abraham, which is equivalent to
saying, "The True Israel." The Jews after the flesh, Paul said, are
Natural Israel. Now let us look at what Paul wrote chapter 6
of Galatians. Notice what he says about those who are the
“Israel of God!” Galatians 6:16
Consider that very carefully. Paul clearly said in Chapter 4 that the true children of Abraham (True Israel) are the children of faith, which, of course, would be a reference to those who make up the Church of Jesus Christ! He included Galatian Gentiles, his brethren, in that description as well. Now in chapter 6 we read about the "Israel of God." Wouldn’t you think Paul’s reference in chapter 6 had his thoughts of 4:28 in mind? After all, these passages are both in the same book! Not only that, but Paul gives us a second witness of this same principle and thought in his writings found in Romans 9. Romans 9:6-9
Not everyone who
is a “natural Israelite” is a “true
Israelite!” Some, of course, were. But these were naturally
born Israelites who, like Paul, were born an Israelite through the
flesh, but went on to be born-again Jewish believers in Jesus the
Messiah! We Kingdom Eschatologists love Paul! He blew Dispensational Futurism out of the water with his words and his writings…and he was also a Jew! Was Paul an "anti-Semite" just because he said the very things that Kingdom Eschatologists teach? Was he a racist because he included the believers in Christ in the True Israel, in the seed of Promise, or in the Seed of faith? We don’t think so, because this is exactly what Kingdom Eschatology teaches. If we are wrong, then so was Paul! Now look in Romans 4 at what Paul said concerning the identity of the True Israel. Romans 4:13-17
Paul said that
anyone who walks in the steps of the faith that Abraham walked, are
Abraham's children. Would one not think that this means that they are,
therefore, the True Israel of God? The answer to this of course is a
resounding “Yes!” This is also the reason
that Paul said Abraham had “many nations” spring
from him! The Hebrew word "nations" actually means "non-Jewish gentile
people"! The Church is made up of such people from all nations of the
world! So "all nations" have come from Abraham!
No Kingdom
Eschatologist teaches that the middle wall of partition was broken down
to allow Gentiles into the Kingdom, and thereby to keep the Jews out.
However, what we teach is that the exact faith that we have toward
Christ is what most of the Jews of Christ's day rejected. But this did
not have to be the case, because Paul also said, “And they also [Natural
Jews], if they abide not still
in unbelief, shall be graffed in: for God is able to graff them in
again.” (Romans 11:23)
Eschatology agrees with Paul. But herein lies the racism that
is found in the critics of our teachings! I will now explain what I
mean by this.
teachers of Dispensationalism believe that God has blinded every single
Jew since the days of the Early Church. They say this blinding will
continue until the Gentiles are all in the Church and the rapture takes
place. However, God never said He was going to blind an entire "race"
or all of its descendants because of the sins of the first century
generation who rejected the New Covenant and crucified the Lord Jesus!
Futurism says differently! They say that God blinded an entire race.
Talk about racist! This is not what the Bible says. It
actually says that blindness “in part” happened
only to the First Century generation of Jews. (See Romans 11:25) This
what Kingdom Eschatology teaches! Besides, if Kingdom Eschatology was
racist against Jewish people, we would most certainly not want to call
it "Apostolic," since all of the Apostles of the Bible were Jewish! But
since we understand that the Church is comprised of both Jew and
Gentile, and our teachings on prophecy propose that Jews and Gentiles
both are granted access into the Church, we gladly label our teaching
Kingdom Eschatology.” Where the Futurist teachers of Dispensationalism err is in their lack of understanding who the New Covenant Gospel of Jesus Christ has been offered to in order to gain members in the true Church. They criticize us from their platform of misinterpretation, but that should not deter our message of biblical truth! We Kingdom Eschatologists must keep proclaiming these truths even in the face of adversity and accusation. We must remember to pray for those who oppose us, for our battle is not against any race of people, but is against those systems that oppose them! We fight not against any people of any flesh or blood. Praise God!
Michael F. Blume works with RDTW and is Assistant Pastor in Bible Truth Church, El Campo, TX. His website address is: www.mikeblume.com RDTW |
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