Michael Blume has been ministering for almost 40 years focusing on spiritual maturity and the present Kingdom of God. He and his wife currently live in Portage la Prairie, MB, Canada, and they have two sons, two daughters and six grandchildren.


This book is the account of Sister Charlotte's escape from two cloistered convents in which she was held for over twenty-four years in the early 1900s. Read about her horrible treatment, experiences of torture, and self-inflicted brutality in efforts to please God. She gave her testimony as recorded in this book, explaining all the details, over a series of meetings on the West Coast that spanned a week when she spoke of details that have never before been placed in print. She exposes the depths of wickedness that the human soul can endure as well as the heights of glory with which God can bless. Read of her meeting with Sister Nilah, the young evangelist who preached in the fire and anointing of God's Spirit, changing lives across the country. Learn of the beginning of their fourteen-year ministry together. It's like reading the Book of Acts in her experience of salvation, her miraculous physical healing, and the conversion of multitudes of people throughout the USA and Canada. Written in the style in which she actually preached her story, this book will increase your faith and give you a burden to pray for those who are bound in religious error that they may be set free by truth and the power of the Lord Jesus Christ.

THY KINGDOM CAME - - click to order

What difference would it make to our theology if we knew that Jesus presently rules from every throne that He is ever going to sit upon? All of the prophecies about His Kingdom are in effect already. So many think "Endtime Prophecy" is not important today, and that there are more important things to focus upon now, since those things have not even happened yet. They're about the future. But what if the Kingdom prophecies of Christ's dominion were already fulfilled millennia ago? With all of the New Testament focus upon leading of the Spirit, overcoming sin, Satan, the world, and even our own flesh, is the last book of the Bible, the Book of Revelation, really about Chinese armies, nuclear wars, Cobra helicopters and computer chips? Revelation is a "signifying" book of visionary symbols only understood when comparing it with the rest of the Bible. Read how John was told that its events were at hand 2,000 years ago. Learn how Revelation's storyline parallels the Exodus of Israel in astounding ways to understand what the mark of the Beast really is. See how Christ currently sits upon the Throne of David. Bible Prophecy was the launching pad of inspiration for faith from which the early Church went forth into the world in the first century. That makes eschatology a very important subject for the believer today, because it shows us more about our true positions as believers in the world better than any other prophetic perspective can.

TAKE A BITE OF ETERNAL LIFE - Vol. 1 - click to order

From Genesis to Revelation, the original plan of God for Adam is seen to be the very purpose of the Church of the New Covenant. The Tree of Life, the Cherubims and the River of Eden are all found in a restored Garden City in the Book of Revelation, with the Church as the Bride of the great Last Man Adam, Jesus Christ. God has so much more for us in this present life than what we have realized. And our key to unlocking it all lies in understanding the will of God for mankind that was not abandoned after the human race fell into sin so long ago. Learn of the dominion and victory God has for you today in the here and now!

TAKE A BITE OF ETERNAL LIFE - Vol. 2 - click to order

In this second volume go deeper into the concept of Garden Kingdom in the Church. Learn more of the revelation of the representation of the Garden in the Temple's Holiest of Holies. From the true temple of God flows the River of Life. Measuring that river is comprehending the Law of the Spirit of Life. Highlights include the study of Mount Zion, the armour of God (which corresponds to the Tabernacle furniture) and how Christ's words, "I never knew you," are linked to lack of spiritual transfiguration. Learn how our priesthood is established by the resurrection life in us, just as the budding rod of Aaron resurrected to validate his priesthood. Have you ever noticed how his rod was shaped so similarly to the Tabernacle's candlestick? All of this is ours to enjoy as we feast more upon Eternal Life!

TAKE A BITE OF ETERNAL LIFE - Special Edition Hard Cover - click to order

TWO VOLUMES IN ONE! From Genesis to Revelation, the original plan of God for Adam is seen to be the very purpose of the Church of the New Covenant. The Tree of Life, the Cherubims, and the River of Eden are all found in a restored Garden City in the Book of Revelation, with the Church as the Bride of the great Last Man Adam, Jesus Christ. God has so much more for us in this present life than what we have realized. And our key to unlocking it all lies in understanding the will of God for mankind that was not abandoned after the human race fell into sin so long ago. Learn of the dominion and victory God has for you today in the here and now!

In the second volume, go deeper into the concept of Garden Kingdom in the Church. Learn more of the revelation of the representation of the Garden in the Temple's Holiest of Holies. From the true temple of God flows the River of Life. Measuring that river is comprehending the Law of the Spirit of Life. Highlights include the study of Mount Zion, the armour of God (which corresponds to the Tabernacle furniture) and how Christ's words, "I never knew you," are linked to lack of spiritual transfiguration. Learn how our priesthood is established by the resurrection life in us, just as the budding rod of Aaron resurrected to validate his priesthood. Have you ever noticed how his rod was shaped so similarly to the Tabernacle's candlestick? All of this is ours to enjoy as we feast more upon Eternal Life!


The story of Esther in the Old Testament has amazing parallels, by God’s design to be sure, with New Testament teachings about our opportunity to approach God’s throne of grace to find help in our times of need. From the king’s choice of Esther, to her plan to thwart the genocide of the Jews in Syria, all of the experiences of Esther and her uncle, Mordecai, show us lessons of how we can overcome battles in life, based upon truth found in the Book of Hebrews. Learn how to apply the work of the cross to your everyday life’s struggles and challenges. So many focus on how to get saved, and what joy it will be when we get to Heaven. But what about the in-between time now? What about the struggles we face today? There is victory in the Kingdom for such as time as this!


The story of Esther in the Old Testament has amazing parallels, by God’s design to be sure, with New Testament teachings about our opportunity to approach God’s throne of grace to find help in our times of need. From the king’s choice of Esther, to her plan to thwart the genocide of the Jews in Syria, all of the experiences of Esther and her uncle, Mordecai, show us lessons of how we can overcome battles in life, based upon truth found in the Book of Hebrews. Learn how to apply the work of the cross to your everyday life’s struggles and challenges. So many focus on how to get saved, and what joy it will be when we get to Heaven. But what about the in-between time now? What about the struggles we face today? There is victory in the Kingdom for such as time as this!

THE WAY MORE PERFECTLY - click to order

John 17:20 "Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;" In the powerful statement above, we read about Jesus putting His seal of approval on the apostles whom He entrusted to carry on His message after He ascended into heaven. We can trust their teachings! They revealed to us whether or not "doctrine" is something with which God wants us to be concerned. Learn what the apostles told sinners they must do to be saved, and understand that we are to share the exact same gospel message today.

SIN LESS - click to order

Paul's message to the Romans is one of the deepest revelations ever penned and a veritable masterpiece of Christian literature. Michael Blume relates the insight and tremendously practical teachings from Paul with a unique blend of spiritual typology from Old Testament stories and easy-to-understand explanations of Paul's words. Much in the same way that Jesus used parables to relate the things of the Kingdom of God to the common people through the familiar, the Old Testament accounts all prefigured the very same indepth truths that the New Testament provided, but in story form. Understand more of how to overcome sin and walk after the Spirit. Learn how the power of the cross is meant to be applied to everyday struggles in life for true victory through the stories of Noah, Esther and Joshua, to name a few. You'll never look at another Old Testament account the same. Realize the reality of the Spirit's power for believers to slay the works of their flesh and truly live the life of mature Sons of God that you were saved to be. No truth is more important for practical victorious living!

WITH WHAT BODY DO THEY COME? - click to order

The doctrine of Resurrection is diversely understood today. Is it going to be physical or non-physical? What is a spiritual body? This book digs into the depth of the Word of God, delving into the overall point of the human race from before the time of Adam, how it's not abandoned since the fall of Adam, and when and why the resurrection will take place. Apostle Paul asked the question that was immediately followed by the core distinction that separates truth from error concerning this subject: 1 Corinthians 15:35-36 But some man will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come? (36) Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die:The element of our beings that shall resurrect is an element that lives, then dies, and then is intended to come alive a second time. Seeing as a man is comprised of a spirit, soul, and body (1 Thess. 5:18), it can only be the body that lives as we serve God as believers in this mortal flesh, then dies, and is made to live again at the resurrection. See how neither the soul nor spirit of a believer fits this criterion that Paul laid out for the part of us that is resurrected in our future, and see its purpose for the eternal place of God.

KINGDOM PRAYING - click to order

The Lord's Prayer must be the most well-known prayer in all of mankind's history. How many billions of people have prayed in this manner for the last two thousand years? But what is not so well-known is that after the prayer was laid out to the disciples, Jesus Christ took each element from it and detailingly explained what it involved in the same sequence in which it is found in the prayer, itself! The prayer is followed by detailed instructions! Furthermore, Psalm 110:1 is the most oft-quoted Old Testament verse in the New Testament. It is the Kingdom Scripture in the Bible. Mike Blume shows how the Lord's Prayer is intimately linked to this most important Psalm of David. Paul's letter to the Ephesians, Isaiah's prophecy and the Book of Revelation open this truth up tremendously. Learn how Prayer is vital to see satan's kingdom displaced.


Jesus was crucified at the third hour of the day. The sun went dark three hours later at noon and stayed dark until He died at the ninth hour. Half the time was clear and half was unclear. As though a time of clarity was followed by mystery, we find a spiritual message that really comes to the forefront in light of the conversions of Saul of Tarsus and Cornelius of Italy. Astounding parallels and amazing correlations between those men's conversions and even between the very hours that were associated with these men's salvation and Christ's crucifixion reveal serious issues that all of us as believers must come to grips with. After the man who would become the Apostle to the Gentiles was saved by grace, the first Gentile was saved in the very next biblical chapter of the record of their conversions. But the details regarding their conversions reveal huge obstacles that God has to deal with in all of our lives as believers - religious traditions and inhibitions that pose a threat to the salvation of souls. Learn how God's work of the cross is easy to understand in some aspects, but unclear in others. His grace is more amazing than what any of us can truly appreciate!

DAYS, MONTHS & YEARS- click to order

The controversy of the place that Law and Old Covenant legalities hold in the New Covenant has never exhausted itself since the days of the Apostles. Those who keep the Law as well as those who feel it is expired, without granting license to sin, are both sincere and want to please God Almighty in every way in which they can. This volume takes a deeply contextual approach without the stains of the traditions of men to properly understand the overall issue. Arguments for keeping feast days and Sabbaths are addressed and answered with great detail. Heavy emphasis is put on the context of Galatians chapters 3 through 4 to show that the elements of the world in Chapter 4 are indeed the schoolmastery of Law from Chapter 3 under which Israel was bound until the Lord Jesus Christ would come into the world with the New Covenant. Indeed, Law genders to bondage.

THE HOUSE ON THE ROCK - click to order

Jesus explained that He would build the church on the Rock, but only after He knew the disciples began hearing revelation from the Father. The Father's revelation was about Christ's identity as Son of God. Once that was made known, Jesus started to reveal His revelation for them -- His need to die on the cross and their need to carry their crosses. Peter received the first revelation from the Father, but resisted the second from the Son. Jesus warned them earlier about knowing Him and calling Him Lord, but not being able to enter the Kingdom because He did not know them. He only knows those who carry their crosses and follow Him. Learn how to be changed into His very image, by carrying your cross and denying yourself. That kind of Christianity is like a house on a rock that cannot fall despite the storms that hell can hurl at us!


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